

FeedFriendly, LLC has used the following products and services for the development of the FeedFriendly iOS app:

LogoSnap: When we set out to update the FeedFriendly user interface for version 1.1, we chose the LogoSnap graphic design site for help. LogoSnap provides LogoDesign and all other kind of design services and allows graphic designers to bid on design projects, making the the process of previewing design options quite easy. We are pleased with our version 1.1 user interface update and will use LogoSnap again for our iOS app design needs.

CoolButtons for glassy iOS-style buttons.

DDPageControl for parts of the FeedFriendly tutorial.

Network Reachability for detecting Internet connectivity.

MI Custom Checkboxes for checkbox elements.

ActionSheetPicker for some pop-up picker controls.